Court imposes heavy punishments on street racers



THE BOTTOM, Saba – On June 6, the Court of First Instance imposed severe penalties on two young Sabans.

Both young men were on trial for street racing last Tuesday, June 6. The Prosecutor charged them with dangerous driving behaviour. One of the suspects also drove in a car that was uninsured and had incorrect license plates.

The police caught both men on February 12, 2017 at J.Z. Ridge Road in the middle of Windward Side and The Bottom. The police reported that they were moving with “high speeds,” “beeping tires,” “tires lifted off the ground” and “oncoming traffic had to maneuver dangerously to evade the street racers.” Pending a court decision, the police seized the vehicles and the public entity temporary suspended their driver’s licenses.

The Prosecutor asked not only for a sentence that includes 80 hours of labour, but also a suspension of the driver’s license for 6 months for one of the suspects (a first offender). The judge followed the Prosecutor, but sentenced the suspect to a conditional suspension during a probation period of 2 years.

The same punishment was demanded for the other suspect. In addition, due to prior road misconduct, the Prosecutor asked for the confiscation of his vehicle. The judge followed the Prosecutor’s office in his claim. The street racer, besides that a sentence is imposed, thus lost his driving license for 6 months and his (race) vehicle.

Public Prosecutor, police and public entity will continue to work closely together to stop street racing on Saba. Perpetrators can expect the same temporary measures and charges.