Prime Minister Gumbs meets with St. Martin Prefete Laubies regarding preparations for Hurricane Danny


PHILIPSBURG – Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs, on Friday afternoon met with the Prefete of St. Martin and St. Barths Anne Laubies and Vice President Guillaume Arnell regarding preparations for Hurricane Danny.

The Prefet and the Prime Minister briefed each other on the preparations that have been taken so far in preparation for Hurricane Danny.

A number of points were agreed upon with respect to the coordination and synchronization of certain activities in times of pre- and post-natural disaster events.

After each Emergency Operations Center or Disaster Committee meeting, the government representatives will exchange decisions that have come out of those meetings.

The closure of businesses was also another point to be coordinated between both sides of the island; closure of airports will also be coordinated; and both sides will also exchange communications that are disseminated to the public with respect to information and actions that need to be taken.

“The meeting with the Prefet was very informative.  As one island there should be some coordination at the disaster management level and this was what this meeting was about,” Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs said on Friday.

PHOTO CUTLINE: Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs (left), Paul Martens, Office of Disaster Management, and Prefete Anne Laubies (right), Chef Cabinet Emmanuel Effantin and Vice President Guillaume Arnell. DCOMM Photo