Minister Plenipotentiary Fleming-Artsen receives second volume of the Diplomatic Magazine ‘Diplomat’


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Minister Plenipotentiary, Hon. Josianne Fleming–Artsen received the second volume of the ‘Diplomat’ recently from Publisher Dr. Mayeline De Lara.

The online version of the publication featured the Minister Plenipotentiary in a December 2013 edition entitled, ‘Celebrating Sint Maarten.’

The magazine is a first for the Netherlands and according to Minister Fleming-Artsen, the publication has become very popular and is a welcome addition for embassies, diplomats, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, academic bodies, businesses with international links, and professionals involved in international relations.

The publication has featured such articles as ‘The International Court: Looking Ahead,’ and ‘Women Ambassadors to the Netherlands,’ and much more.

“I would like to take this opportunity to commend Dr. Lara on the work that she has been doing in keeping the international diplomatic community in The Hague and throughout the Netherlands informed about developments,” Minister Plenipotentiary Josianne Fleming-Artsen said on Thursday.

PHOTO CUTLINE: L to R: Dr. Mayeline De Lara presenting Minister Josianne Fleming-Artsen with the second volume of ‘Diplomat.’  The presentation took place at the Sint Maarten House.