Minister TEATT Connor Signs-off on Chamber of Commerce & Industry Rules of Procedure.

L to R: Nzinga Lake, Jean James, Peggy-Ann Brandon, Anuska Friday, Minister Hon. Claret Connor, Charlise Philip, and Louis Bute.
L to R: Chief of Staff Jean James, President of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry Peggy-Ann Brandon and Minister of TEATT Hon. Claret Connor.
L to R: Chief of Staff Jean James, President of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry Peggy-Ann Brandon and Minister of TEATT Hon. Claret Connor.

 — Chamber of Commerce & Industry also receives Chamber’s 2015 1Q Report —

PHILIPSBURG – Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) Hon. Claret Connor and the President of the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry Peggy-Ann Brandon, accompanied by members of the Chamber Board and the Minister’s Chief of Staff Jean James, signed the Chamber Board’s Rules of Procedures document indicating that the Board updated the Rules of Order, and has received the Minister’s approval. The Chamber President also submitted the Chamber 2015 first quarter President’s report to the Minister.

The law that governs the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry indicates that this exercise should be carried out regularly. The Chamber is a public entity that falls under Ministry TEATT and functions as an advisory body to government representing the general interest of the country’s economic development.

Minister Connor congratulated the Chamber Board in completing one of its annual duties by presenting an updated Rules of Order to Ministry TEATT.

“This is a clear indication that the integrity and good corporate requirements are willingly executed by this public institution. I call on all private and public entities to follow these practices.

“As Minister I will be communicating to the large companies on the island to submit annually their approved consolidated financial statements and annual operational reports to the chamber of commerce for public access as prescribed by law.  This is all about transparency and openness and according to the rule of law.

“These systems of reporting are to provide the general public with information on how our large establishments are performing and living up to their corporate and social responsibilities as prescribed by law,” Minister of TEATT Hon. Claret Connor said on Tuesday.

Minister Connor looks forward to working closely with the Chamber’s Board on various programs to move the St. Maarten economy positively forward.  Board members present for the signing and presentation were Nzinga Lake, Charlise Philip, Anuska Friday, and Louis Bute.

Those requiring information about the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry can visit the following website:

GROUP PHOTO: L to R: Nzinga Lake, Jean James, Peggy-Ann Brandon, Anuska Friday, Minister Hon. Claret Connor, Charlise Philip, and Louis Bute.