19th American Regional Meeting of the ILO – Panama 2-5 October 2018



~ The ILO meeting will bring together representatives of Governments and employers’ and workers’ organizations from the Americas. ~

Lima, PANAMA — Representatives from 35 countries of Latin America, North America and the Caribbean will participate in the 19th American Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organization (ILO), which will take place in Panama City from 2-5 October.

Delegations to the meeting will include Labour Ministers and other Government Officials, as well as representatives from employers ‘and workers’ organizations.

The ILO regional meetings, which are held every four years, afford the tripartite representatives the opportunity to discuss the labour market situation, employment policies, social dialogue and the application of international labour standards, among other issues.

The meeting will be inaugurated on October 2 by the ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder.