POLICE REPORT: Man arrested for threat, illegal firearm and police Personnel in training


Police Personnel in training

Picture Training_080416-002The Police Department, since March 7th 2016 has been busy making sure that all police officers undergo the compulsory “Integral Profession Training”. This training is given twice a year by in house qualified instructors.

The training covers areas such as Official Instructions, violence control, police physical skills, arrest, self-defense and shooting skills.

Responding to situations as a group, approaching situations as a group and making arrests as a group are main subjects in this training.

The schedule consists of 16 hours of intense training over a period of two days. The training will end by April 12th 2016.


In connection with up coming Rio Lighted Parade which is scheduled for Saturday April 9th the police department is announcing the following road closures:

At 03.00 p.m.  The entire Front Street including all connecting alleys from Backstreet will be                                                                   closed

At 07.30 p.m.  Bush road closed at the Churchill round about No through traffic to Prins Bernard Bridge.

At 07.30 p.m.  Bush road closed at Prins Bernard Bridge. No through traffic to Churchill round about.

At 07.40 p.m.   Zagersgut road closed at Bush road No through traffic to the Bush road.

At 08.00 p.m.  A. Th. Illdge road closed at Prins Bernard Bridge, No through traffic on Prins Bernard Bridge.

At 08.00 p.m.  Long wall road closed at Prinse Bernard Bridge. No through traffic on the Prins Bernard Bridge.

At 08.00 p.m.  Walter Nisbet road road closed at Percey Labega Street. No through traffic to Prins Bernard Bridge.

At 08.30 p.m.  Percey Labega Street closed at the Cannegieter Street. No through traffic to the Percy Labega Street.

At 08.30 p.m.  Back Street closed at Kerkhof straat. No through traffic to Kerkhof Straat.

At 08.30 p.m.   Little Bay road closed at Kerhof straat. No through traffic to Kerkhof straat.

At 10.45 p.m.  Juancho Yrausquin Boulevard closed at Welvaart brug. No through traffic on the Buncamper road.

At 10.45 p.m.  Buncamper road closed at Freedom Fighters round about. No through traffic to Buncamper road.

At 10.45 p.m.  Buncamper road closed at Freedom Fighters round about. No through traffic to Juancho Yrausquin Boulevard.

At 11.00 p.m.  Sucker garden road closed at Freedom Fighters round about. No through traffic to Walter Nisbet road.

At 11.00 p.m.  Walter Nisbet road closed at Salt Picker Round about. No through traffic to Freedom Fighters round about.

At 11.20 p.m.  Soualiga Boulevard closed at Rock Salt road. No through traffic to Salt Pickers Round about.

At 11.20 p.m.  Peterson Street closed at Salt Picker round about. No through traffic at Salt Pickers road about.

At 11.20 p.m.  Walter Nisbet road closed at Codville Webster road No through traffic to Salt Pickers round about.

At 11.40 p.m.  Walter Nisbet road closed at Hensly Beaujon Street. No through traffic to Salt Pickers round about.

At 12.00 a.m.  Walter Nisbet road closed closed at Percy Labega street. No through traffic to Salt Pickers round about.

At 12.00 a.m.  Walter Nisbet road closed at A. Th Illidge road and Long wall road. No through traffic to Salt Pickers round about.

After the parade has reached its destination, the section of the Walter Nisbet road between the Percey Labega street and the Prins Bernard will be closed until 02.00 a.m.

All drivers should pay good notice to these road closures to avoid any unnecessary delays or inconvenience.

The Police Department is also taking this opportunity to remain the general public that the ZERO- tolerance policy will remain in effect. Any misbehavior or illegal activity during this period will be dealt with in accordance with this policy

Man arrested for threat,  illegal fire arm

The Detective department is presently investigating a case of a suspect who was arrested by police on Thursday April 7th for illegal firearm possession, threatening of police officer while on duty and resisting arrest.

The incident took place in the Keys while the officers where driving through the area. The officers heard shots being fired in the area and immediately started to investigate where the shots were coming from.

During the investigation the officers were directed to the home of the suspect who refused to cooperate with officers. The suspect threatened the officers at which time they decided to arrest the suspect. The suspect resisted heavily against his arrest.

He was however overpowered and put into handcuffs. He was then taken to the police station for further investigation.

The officer filed an official report against this suspect who remains in custody for further investigation.