Public Prosecutor’s Office and the BES Police are asking citizens for help


Politie-BES-336x360BES IslandsThe Public Prosecutor’s Office (OM) and the Dutch Caribbean Police Force (KPCN) want to increasingly invoke the help of citizens.

They do this by sharing photos and images from security cameras via the social media and website, in order to speed up the progress of current cases.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office and KPCN have recently published the first video images and photographs. These were widely viewed and have resulted in useful reactions.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Police are very happy with this. Soon there will be more photos and video images published.

Tips/information in response to the images, citizens can provide through the tipline: 717-7251 — 715-800  —  717-8000 or via the 911 emergency line.

With the help of citizens, offenders can be detected (faster) and civilians, the OM and KPCN work together for a safe Bonaire.

The images and videos are published on social media and traditional media.

Press release from the Public Prosecutor’s Office (OM) and KPCN