Emmanuel calls for MP Brison’s immediate resignation



~ Says PM also accountable to the people ~

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Referring to it as a “clear and present danger” to the legitimacy of Parliament and “another failure of the current coalition”, Independent MP Christophe Emmanuel on Sunday dubbed the viral recording of the Chairman of Parliament Rolando Brison “arrogant and shameful” and called on the UP MP Brison to tender his resignation immediately.

MP Emmanuel, who has warned about MP Brison’s public conduct on numerous occasions, said elected representatives are supposed to be leaders who act with integrity and accountability after earning the right to represent the people of St. Maarten through the ballot. The Chairman of Parliament, Emmanuel said, has forfeited this right in his capacity. First and foremost, he said that Brison’s defensive statement about clips being edited and spliced is neither here nor there. “How do you think the news is delivered to us every day via any media, broadcast or print? The most relevant parts are identified, cut, and presented to the public. However, the implications of his words are the most dangerous and concerning parts for this entire country, in particular if he maintains his position in Parliament,” Emmanuel said.

In that context, MP Emmanuel pointed to the deal-making Brison referred to with certain members of the National Alliance and the implication that permits are for sale on St. Maarten. “The Prime Minister of St. Maarten must also explain what kind of government the people of St. Maarten are saddled with. Is she in control of her government? Has she spoken to the “young ones” as MP Brison referred to them? What is this deal that one MP alone (Brison) has with the National Alliance? Do people have to go on bended knee and pay for permits or to get anything from National Alliance? Is this the modus operandi in this government?

“Chairman Brison painted a picture of an inner-circle cartel running the government. The Prime Minister must be held accountable as well and address the nation. These are not rumors as the Prime Minister likes to dismiss so nonchalantly. These comments are from a person who seems to wield more power than the Prime Minister over Ministers from her own party,” MP Emmanuel said.

Emmanuel also stressed that MP Brison’s description of fellow MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten, the faction leader and wife of the founder of the UP, as well as making fun about the belittling of women, “tells you that he is about himself and presents clear insight into his character as ungrateful, misogynistic and selfish.”

“Apologies are, largely, performative, and the ones we have received in the last few months from this government have become burdens unto themselves and, crucially, pathways for representatives of this government to shrug off responsibility,” MP Emmanuel said.

“His statement of explanation which was also leaked, never once directly addressed the content of the recording. He invokes anger and misquotes in a statement that is, top to bottom, lousy. Facts are that MP Brison once again placed himself in situations likely to be risky and humiliating, without a care about how his reckless conduct could affect the country. Do you know what you call a reckless person? Lazy. Politicians who do not use their position of power and privilege responsibly, and who time-after-time do not realize that they are held to a higher standard, are lazy individuals. Lazy and careless individuals who finds it too difficult to walk a straight line, but would rather cut corners for friends and personal pleasure only to be let off the hook by enablers,” MP Emmanuel said, adding that the charade must finally end for the sake of St. Maarten.