DP is back! Membership meeting on November 12



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Democratic Party of St. Maarten (DP), the oldest political party in the country, is gearing up to once again offer the island’s residents knowledgeable and experienced representation that will stand on the party’s founding principles that values hope and dreams for a vibrant future and a decent standard of living for all St. Maarteners. “It is time for the DP to once again give light in all this darkness, so our people can move on.”

Popularly called “The Red Machine”, the party will host its general membership meeting on November 12 at the John Larmonie Center in Philipsburg at 6:30pm. The organizing committee for this event is calling on all current DP stalwarts and supporters, as well as the general public who believe St. Maarten deserves better than it has in terms of governing, to come out in full force to the meeting.

The committee made special mention of persons who may have left the party in the past and may be considering “coming back home”, to just do it! “Please feel free to come back home to the Red Machine. We are always family. Many of you helped to build the party and the doors remain wide open for you. If you know the DP you know we are all inclusive and never turn away citizens who want to serve and work hard for their country. You will all be welcomed,” the organizing committee said.

Persons attending are encouraged to “proudly wear red” and to use the opportunity to meet the DP leadership and stalwarts. Persons of all backgrounds are welcome to attend the general membership meeting and are also urged to bring along young people that make-up their households as the DP has always held a special place in the party organization for the youth. “It is for them that we will be moving confidently and boldly into the future,” the committee said.

In order to achieve that future, the committee continued, “we must accept the following reality and commit to working towards better by returning the DP to governing: That the country is in shambles and the general population has been put on the back-burner while a “connected few” are taken care of.”

“Government exists so that we can accomplish things together that we cannot as individuals or families. All citizens must be served by that government. The committee declared, “We must work to regain what we once had under DP leadership—elected officials who will battle for a well-functioning government that protects each person’s life, health, and well-being so that none of us fall and none of us are left behind.

The committee went on to say that the residents of St. Maarten are not accustomed to feeling so disconnected from their elected officials. They are not accustomed to being flagrantly deceived and recklessly misgoverned. “They are not accustomed to live in so much doubt, so much darkness, so much stress, and never-ending scandals. There is no plan and no consideration for capable, law-abiding governance. The citizens of this proud country deserve far better.”

The organizing committee said the November 12 general membership meeting will be the first in a series of events planned by the party. People have always looked to the DP for compassion, understanding, direction, and honest purpose. The Party wants to meet our people, hear their stories, share their hopes that things will get better. We look forward to speaking with them and to rekindle them. The doors are wide open for newcomers and returnees alike. Let’s polish the red machine and roll it to a bright future,” concluded the organizing committee.