Central Committee meeting of Parliament about Disaster Preparedness status update

Member of Parliament Sarah Wescot-Williams


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – The House of Parliament will sit in Central Committee meeting on Monday, August 13, 2018.

The Central Committee meeting is scheduled for 9:00 hrs. in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelminastraat #1 in Philipsburg. The Minister of General Affairs, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, the Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure and the Minister of Justice will be present.

The agenda points are:

  1. Disaster Preparedness – status update and measures being taken to prepare for and reduce the effects of disasters with hurricane season 2018 approaching (IS/483/2017-2018 dated April 23, 2018)

(This agenda point was requested by MP S.E. Jacobs, MP A.M.R. Irion and MP E.J. Doran)

  1. Approval invitation for one Member of Parliament of Sint Maarten to participate in a delegation to attend the 73rd General Assembly of the United Nations on September 18, 2018 in New York (IS/759/2017-2018 dated July 3, 2018)

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via SXM GOV radio FM 107.9, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the internet www.sxmparliament.org, www.pearlfmradio.com and Parliament’s Facebook page: Parliament of Sint Maarten.