Chairperson of Parliament, MP Sarah Wescot-Williams convenes meeting of Parliament to discuss BTP report


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — In my capacity as Chairperson of Parliament, I am committed to do all within my power to undo the stigma that surrounds this parliament. This stigma is one of a parliament that skirts its responsibilities as overseer of what takes place, especially in government and government related entities.

Too many reports have made mention of this dereliction of duties by the parliament of St. Maarten. How often have we not read: ” the Parliament has failed to act in this case or that case”.

I have e.g in the past as a MP been clamoring for the handling of the annual accounts of government owned companies and other government entities.

Now having received the BTP report from the General Audit Chamber (GAC), I have scheduled a meeting with this chamber regarding this report, thereby allowing members of Parliament to pose questions if they have any to the authors of this report.

This meeting will most likely take place in the 3rd week of November, when the Chairperson of the GAC is back on the island.