Minister Plenipotentiary Fleming-Artsen facilitates meeting between Sint Maarten Foundations and Dutch funding Organization Oranje Fonds


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Minister Plenipotentiary, Hon. Josianne Fleming–Artsen was the host recently whereby the minister facilitated a meeting between Sint Maarten Foundations and the Oranje Fonds.

The meeting took place at the Sint Maarten House in The Hague.  The objective of the meeting was to assist the foundations on how to apply for funds for activities.

Minister Fleming-Artsen invited Anne Maljiers, Head Project Advisor of the Oranje Fonds to Sint Maarten House to give a presentation about the organization and to provide information about funding opportunities.

The foundations that attended the meeting were: USC (Unified St. Maarten Connection) represented by Cyriel Pfennings, and Diane Daniel; Soualiga Foundation, Mathias S. Voges, Carol Voges, and Nathaly Linzey.

Qualichi Faces, Emmielin Rombley; Caribbean Lagoon, Margaret Finley; Lalibela Foundation, B.M.A. Bailey, and I.A.C. Richardson;

Stichting Carytide, Cor James, and Sandra Schipper;

Platform Caraïbisch-Nederlandse Samenwerkende Organisaties, Marjorie Prins, and Reyvie Kelly; and Faburazzi Foundation, Edwina Barry.

The Oranje Fonds is an endowed foundation and the largest in the area of social welfare in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It aims to promote participation in society.

The support brings people together or enables them to find a new place in society.

Annually the foundation invests about € 32 million in approximately 7000 social initiatives in the Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.

Maljers encouraged the attendees to fill in the forms and see if their goals and dreams can be accomplished with the assistance of the Oranje Fonds.

PHOTO CUTLINE: The representatives of the various Sint Maarten foundations based in the Netherlands and the Oranje Fonds meeting at the Sint Maarten House in a meeting that was facilitated by Minister Josianne Fleming-Artsen.